Confucianism. E. Question. Animism C. Confucius was born near the end of an era known in Chinese history as the. Islam O B. Weegy: Spanish colonies were controlled by the Spanish king; the English had more local control. Score 1. 31792. Various schools of Buddhism spread after the reunification of China under the Sui (581), [ and Buddhist influence reached its height during the three-hundred years of Tang rule (618-907). 4. Question. Hinduism D. Weegy: BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. Weegy: Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirits. Question|Asked by Sadeyes23. User: What non Chinese beliefs system spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Score . Confucianism O C. 14*15^2*45 , volume = 31792. The government teaches that religion is a backward mindset, and it places many restrictions on religion. Alexandria BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. Shintoism B. 9551 User: How did Socrates lay the foundation for Plato's writings? A. Belief systems typically has large categories of concepts defined in one way or another as themselves “good” or “bad,” or as leading to good or bad outcomes. Updated 14 days ago|10/6/2023 11:51:50 PM. Weegy: Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirits. what non Chinese belief system spread widely in china during the sui and tang dynasties Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties User: whats a ruling family called Weegy: The dentist is a doctor who is specially trained to care for teeth. Question. 600/20=30. Blank is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit. • A. Carthage D. 1 Answer/Comment. User: What system of moral beliefs formed the center of Chinese thought and culture during the Ming and Qing dynasties? A. E. Question. Blank is a belief system which holds that non human beings and objects have souls and spirits. 7886 User: The Sumerians invented. Get answers from Weegy and a team of really smart live experts. Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties. Belief systems rely heavily on evaluative and affective components. a system of spiritual or supernatural belief. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. a system of spiritual or supernatural belief. Constantinople C. A. Animism perceives all things—animals, plants, rocks, rivers, weather systems, human handiwork, and in some cases words—as animated and alive. Updated 7 days ago|10/6/2023 11:51:50 PM. A. 5 inches high and 5. BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. New answers. Weegy: It disrupted trade. Added 8/9/2021 8:37:17 PM. User: The concept of opposite forces working together is called in Chinese daoist philosophy Weegy: The concept of opposite forces working together is calledn"yin and yang"in Chinese Daoist. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. 0 Answers/Comments. Score 1. Terms in this set (43) How did China's belief systems change? What methods did the Sui and Tang dynasties use to reunify and strengthen China? brought back old political traditions; reduced conflict by allowing people to follow their own belief systems; build roads and canals that helped link regions within China. Daoism O D. Expert Answered. 12 Qs. Score 1. 8828 User: was the largest Sumeriab city-state. The Chinese from northern China, since they had capitulated earlier and were therefore more accustomed to Mongol rule, were ranked below the non-Chinese collaborators,. What system of moral beliefs formed the center of Chinese thought and culture during the Ming and Qing dynasties? A. Score 1. Weegy: 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour is an example of Sumerian mathematics that still influences the world today. Weegy: BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. Implementing a caste system B. Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit. Updated 9 hours 25 minutes ago|8/2/2023 12:34:59 AM. Animism have a belief system which hole that non-human beans and I’ve Have souls and spirits. The religion's founder is Buddha. Mysticism B. 5. CONFUCIANISM: is a no Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties. Mysteries of the Time and Culture . Animism is the understanding that everything in the world has a spirit. ft. Despite challenges from abroad and within, the Ming dynasty oversaw an unprecedented growth in China's population and general economic prosperity. Expert answered| MsAnyaForger |Points 24091| User: The Israelite king is known for building the first Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Carthage B. Weegy: A thesaurus is primarily used to look up synonyms and antonyms. Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit. C. confucianism Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties User: What city became the capital of the eastern Roman Empire A. What can eliminate the use of run-on sentences?Weegy: Larger human populations was a direct outcome of a group of people settling down to agriculture. [ [ Based on the scale, 8983. TRUE. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Question. Question. Confucianism. ]Weegy: Buddhism non-Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. Buddhism . Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit. Asked 148 days ago|8/29/2022 3:11:56 PM. Asked 4/27/2021 8:27:10 AM. User: the earliest example of chinese writing is on Weegy: The earliest examples of Chinese writing are found on oracle bones. What non-Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties? . Log in for more information. Log in for more information. Islam O C. 3. 37,946,116. The Ming Dynasty's authority was undermined and eventually overthrown by ____ tribesmen. Score 1. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Confucianism D. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Weegy: 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour is an example of Sumerian mathematics that still influences the world today. 8828 User: was the largest Sumeriab city-state Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Shintoism O B. Ancient Egyptian religion, indigenous beliefs of ancient Egypt from predynastic times (4th millennium BCE) to its decline in the first centuries CE. Animatism is the belief in a supernatural power that is able to be something other than a person or animal. helped the Qin Dynasty unite China. Figure 6. Weegy: The purpose of the Irish republican army was to end British rule in Northern Ireland, facilitate Irish. 5 inches wide. Weegy: After Alexander the Great s death,. Score 1 User: What non-chinese belief system spread widely in china during the sui and tang dynastiesUser: What non Chinese beliefs system spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Score . Asked 46 days ago|8/29/2022 3:11:56 PM. HinduismDiscuss the four elements of religion: cosmology, belief in the supernatural, rules of behavior, and rituals. Confucius. In China, Buddhism became very popular and was adopted. Updated 15 days ago|6/20/2023 1:12:54 AM. China. Updated 20 days ago|10/24/2023 3:52:33 PM. 1% identify as Christian and 1. verified. There is a mutual influence in China between the development of traditions and beliefs and the advances in technology and production. Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit. Daoism is a philosophical, ethical, and religious tradition of Chinese origin that emphasizes living in harmony with the Dao • The fundamental realm of Daoism is the world of nature - which encompasses additional supernatural or transcendental dimensions • Daoism was romanized as Taoism in the older Wade-Giles pronunciation system, but as Daoism in. Weegy. deity: A preternatural or supernatural human or non-human being or entity, or an object that possesses miraculous or supernatural attributes, powers or superpowers (e. The postcard is 3. Weegy: Homo. Expert Answered. The fine print on the postcard states that the scale of the picture is 1:19,600. Weegy: Buddhism non-Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. Religious and spiritual expression in China. Constantinople C. Immigrants from Ireland and Germany were discriminated against in the 1800s because Othey were likely to take high-paying jobs. Question. Score 1. Indeed, Western powers regarded Chinese law as barbaric. World: Approximately 1 billion adherents/non-adherents (15% of the world population) U. Islam. Expert answered|Janet17|Points 48140| Log in for more information. He felt that in order to save China, the Chinese must first unite to overthrow the foreign Manchu government. Log in for more information. the official religions of China User: A state is a _____. Why is there a Christian gravestone in Central Asia with the Chinese Zodiac year on it? The Nestorians were one of many examples of a process called syncretism, which is what happens when a combination of different belief systems create something new. Area of the plate = pi x (radius squared) = 3. Expert answered| Jozeal |Points 20085|. 0. Question. Sung DynastyType of GovernmentThe Sung Dynasty was an imperial monarchy led by a hereditary line of emperors. User: The Israelite king is known for building the first Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. 31792. Weegy: Buddhism is a. Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties. 5 cu. Weegy: A cylindrical tank has a radius of 15 feet and a height of 45 feet. Expert Answered. Buddhism Hellllpppp!!! star. 5 cu. Log in for more information. WINDOWPANE is the live-streaming app for sharing your life as it happens, without filters, editing, or anything fake. Confucianism Weegy: BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. Question. Confucianism C. C. Log in for more information. noun. warm B. Shintoism B. Expert answered|Mayen|Points 1208| User: How did socrates lay the foundation for plato's writing? Log in for more information. The postcard is 3. David O D. What non-Chinese beliefs system spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties. Weegy: BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. 33 feet is the actual length of the Golden Gate Bridge. A cat of mass 5kg jumps on a dining table of mass 30kg. Question. Blank is a belief system which holds that non human beings and objects have souls and spirits. Various schools of Buddhism spread after the reunification of China under the Sui (581), [ and Buddhist influence reached its height during the three-hundred years of Tang rule (618-907). Question. Islam O B. ShintoismAnimism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit. Both belief systems indigenous to China that are covered in this unit originated dur- ing the fourth and fifth centuries BCE. 0 Answers/Comments. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Log in for more information. Weegy: BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. Updated 16 days ago|10/24/2023 3:52:33 PM. Question|Asked by hamna. Chinese civilization • B. Islam O C. Blank is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit A. f Get an answer Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Updated 12/18/2021 7:34:11 PM. A partially destroyed piece of paper with written text. Weegy: Homo Erectus was the first species of hominid that first controlled fire. Question. Question. Daoism O D. Updated 140 days ago|5/4/2023 11:32:09 AM. Buddhism B. Weegy: BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. Is a structured way of organising the beliefs of a whole community of people at the meso or macro level. In China, belief in gods and other religious figures is more common than formal religious identity. Score 1. 8% identify as Muslim. The earliest examples of Chinese writing are found on oracle bones. Transformed and even hybrid versions of religions, cultures, and ways of thinking. Asked 7/27/2013 2:18:39 PM. Question. Updated 149 days ago|6/20/2023 1:12:54 AM. Islam C. Hinduism Confucianism formed the center of Chinese thought and culture during the Ming and Qing dynasties. Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirits. User: The Israelite king is known for building the first Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. (More) Question. confucianism Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties User: What city became the capital of the eastern Roman Empire A. Asked 1/22/2021 5:04:05 PM. The length of the floor is found through division. 8 The second principle of San min chu-i is Min-ch'uan chu-i - Democracy. 0. Log in for more information. Question. User: _____ is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirits. Score 1 Log in for more information. Log in for more information. It is centered on the Four Noble Truths, which deal with suffering and the means to. Log in for more information. Score 1. 9017 User:. 14*15^2*45 , volume = 31792. GET THE APP. Expert Answered. Expert answered|Score 1|alfred123|Points 128284|. Weegy: Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirits. heart. A. User: Identify the belief system that spread to China from India during the late Han period and appealed to the people during the turbulent times. The postcard is 3. User: A well-established religious organization in which a substantial number of the population is a. Verified answer. Weegy: On a nutrition label you'll find carbohydrates broken down from dietary fiber, sugars and sugar alcohols. Veni, vidi, vici C. 5 inches wide. what non Chinese belief system spread widely in china during the sui and tang dynasties Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties User: whats a ruling family called Weegy: The dentist is a doctor who is specially trained to care for teeth. Question. The word “lucky” holds deep meaning and significance in traditional Chinese belief systems. Appreciating the complexity of this rich and enduring culture is crucial to. Score 1. User: what non Chinese belief system spread widely in china during the sui and tang dynasties Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Score . User: the earliest example of chinese writing is on Weegy: The earliest examples of Chinese writing are found on oracle bones. Weegy: Homo Erectus was the first species of hominid that first controlled fire. 160 square inches B. daoism D. 256 square inches. Confucianism C. Confucianism Weegy: BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China. Ask a question. Question. ft. At the regional. Mysticism B. The influence of Buddhism is evident in poetry. Buddhism. Confucianism B. Question. Today, people in China and those of Chinese. Islam O C. Hinduism B. What system of moral beliefs formed the center of Chinese thought and culture during the Ming and Qing dynasties? O A. Question. What non-Chinese beliefs system spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties. Mesopotamian civilization O C. User: The Israelite king is known for building the first Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Expert answered| HARLEY61 |Points 1837|. Log in for more information. Updated 13 days ago|10/20/2023 5:26:58 AM. Question. religions that started in China d. Solomon O B. Score 1. Question. Buddhism is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely. Weegy: Two angles are complementary. Expert answered|Here_To_Help_You|Points 13864| Log in for more information. 38,611,260. Added 10/13/2021 6:27:52 PM. Expert answered| Janet17 |Points 48140| Log in for more information. Question and answer. This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. Question. questions answered. 0. Log in for more information. ft. What non-Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties? O A. FROM THE CREATORS OF. 551-479 B. Mesopotamian civilization O C. What non-Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Sui and Tang dynasties? . The three main. Buddhism is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely. Question. confucianism Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties User: What city became the capital of the eastern Roman Empire A. Question|Asked by Rachel Marie. Weegy: Central of ancient Egyptian religions beliefs was the idea of the afterlife. The belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirits is called Animism. confucianism Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Score . This answer has been confirmed as correct and helpful. —9h — 6 + 12h + 40 = 22. User: What did most people in China during the Ming Dynasty do for work? Weegy: They farmed the land to grow food did most people in China during the Ming dynasty do for work. Log in for more information. The term does not always connote worship or veneration. Question. 7974 User: whats a ruling family called Weegy: The dentist is a doctor who is specially trained to care for teeth. daoism D. Carthage D. 0 Answers/Comments. 0 Answers/Comments. Log in for more information. helped the Qin Dynasty unite China. Buddhism C. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Islam B. It was founded by Siddhartha Gautama, also called the Buddha, who lived in India around the sixth century B. Saul Weegy: The Israelite king who built a temple in Jerusalem was Solomon. User: Which of the following is true of a belief system’s influence on how people think? Weegy: The following is true of a belief system s influence on how people think: In every culture, some beliefs are set forth as proper ways of thinking. For example, according to the 2016 China Family Panel Studies. Nebuchadnezzar |I • C. BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties Weegy: BUDDHISM is a non-Chinese belief system that spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties. Carthage D. 7% identify with some other tradition, less than 0. Buddhism B. Updated 245 days ago|3/1/2023 6:41:53 AM. Expert answered| MsAnyaForger |Points 24091| User: The Israelite king is known for building the first Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Shintoism B. Added 10/13/2021 6:27:52 PM. • A. Islam Weegy: Animism is a belief system which holds that non-human beings and objects have souls and spirit. Hinduism D. weegy. Confucianism B. • A. Score 1. Weegy: Joint Information System (JIS) develops, recommends, and executes public information plans and strategies. Weegy: Buddhism spread widely in China during the sui and tang dynasties User: whats a ruling family called Weegy: The dentist. Animism is a belief system which hole that non-human beans and I ve Have souls and spirits. Weegy. Search for an answer or ask Weegy. Constantinople C. Islam . 2 billion followers, mainly in South and Southeast Asia. Log in for more information. Islam B. The second ruler of Sui, Emperor Yang, may or may not have had his father murdered. com is the easiest and fastest way to get answers to your questions, by providing a mashup of several technologies including an AI-enabled Q&A knowledgebase and integrated chat with live experts. Expert answered| MsAnyaForger |Points 24091| User: The Israelite king is known for building the first Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. Buddhism non-Chinese belief system spread widely in China during the Suj and Tang dynasties.